What is the purpose you’re working towards in your sport? Some people dream of athletic success from an early age, whereas others don’t always realize why they participate. If you’ve done your sport from an early age, training and competing can become a habit, and you might have lost sight of your goals – exactly why are you doing what you do?
Developing a sense of purpose can take a long time and it doesn’t always come quickly. But when it is used correctly, having a sense of purpose can motivate you to become the best athlete you can be. But what exactly is a “sense of purpose,” why is it important, and how can you develop it?
Having a sense of purpose means having a set of obvious reasons for doing what you do. It’s the feeling that your life is goal-orientated and has direction – you know where you’re going and what you want to do.
In sports, you might have goals such as winning a big competition that you’ve always dreamed of or making a world-class team. While these are still reasons to participate, goals related to a sense of purpose are “more stable and far-reaching.” For instance, your purpose in sports could be to have a successful career or stay fit and healthy.
The purpose is driven by achievement. Having goals makes us want to work hard to attain them, and that demanding work gives us a sense of purpose.
Internal motivation links closely with developing a sense of purpose. People with apparent reasons for what they do tend to work hard because of a genuine interest in their goal rather than working because they must. You are also more likely to maintain your goal strivings if you find internal pleasure in trying to achieve them.
Those with a greater sense of purpose usually have greater goal engagement and resilience to stress.
When we are more engaged in our goals, we are more likely to achieve them, a crucial part of doing well in sports. As for creating a greater resilience to stress, it’s good for you to bounce back when things get tough and keep training like the great athlete you are.
As we mentioned earlier, creating a sense of purpose leads to essential levels of internal motivation – you become engaged in your sport because you love to do it and want to get that sense of achievement.
There are many ways you can find your purpose in sport and strive to become the best athlete you can be. Here are just a few that we know will help…
Set clear goals
Athletes with a sense of purpose set clear goals defined by what matters to them.
But don’t just focus on the big picture. Short-term goals are an excellent way to increase motivation because we like to feel like we’re achieving something. They give us an ongoing sense of purpose and let us know that our long-term goals are on track.
Look for support from your coaches.
Searching for a sense of purpose can be quite a stressful and daunting experience. It’s useful as an athlete to be supported by finding reasons for doing what you do, and your coach can help guide you in these times.
Engage in self-reflection
Reflect on your journey so far and where you want to go next. This will help create a sense of purpose because it enables you to realize the process you’re going through and what you want to strive towards.
Question what you are willing to put effort into, as this will help inform your sense of purpose and decide what it is you will aim for.
Be curious about your own interests.
Try to discover what it is that you are interested in and what exactly you want to achieve. Is there a significant competition that you’ve watched before that you’d love to compete in yourself? Training to compete in this could become your new sense of purpose as an athlete.
Watch other athletes and take inspiration from what they can do to form your goals and create your sense of purpose.
A sense of purpose is a complex concept that can take years to develop. As you start achieving your goals, this purpose may change over time, and it will be up to you to keep striving for excellence.
Developing your sense of purpose in your sport comes with many benefits, and we hope our tips will give you the strategies to exploit them.
Until next time,
Coach Nye