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5 Peak Performance Elements for Your Pursuit of Excellence

Developing the Mental Skills to reach your Peak Performance

Training your mind to be successful in your hockey career starts with your belief that “I can do this” and your commitment that “I will do it.” You oversee flipping these switches that ignite your motivation to act.

Then look at the five mental elements that we suggest are key to achieving excellence. Does one or two call to you? Is that knowing inner voice saying, “yes, that is it?” If so, select these and work on building this skill(s). It will take practice but stick with it. You CAN train your mind to succeed!

Five Mental Elements to Achieve Excellence and Peak Performance

  • Full Focus – “Focusing is the single most important mental skill associated with performance excellence.” [Orlick, Wheel of Excellence]. Practice concentrating totally on what you are doing, experiencing, learning, and observing. Zoom in on your fitness priorities, the importance they carry in your life, and the actions that will lead to achieving your goals. Don’t let anything get in your way!

  • Positive Imagery – Visualize what the game means to you and your life. Practice creating an internal picture of what fires you up and inspires you to be at your peak. Mental pictures are worth 1,000 words. Recall these images when things get tough. They will help you get over the hurdles.

  • Mental Readiness – “Mental readiness refers to a positive state you carry into learning and performance situations.” [Orlick, Wheel of Excellence] Practice learning new things without judgment, being comfortable with small steps forward, showing patience with yourself and your body. Learn to look for the “good stuff” and practice making the most of everything that happens to you.

  • Distraction Control – Train to notice distractions attempting to pull you off track. Don’t let them win. Someone once told me “you don’t have to fight every battle you are invited to!” Learn to say “later, not now, I have important work to do for me because I am important!” Take a deep breath and re-focus your mind on the goal. Or take a cue from my dog, physically “shake it off” and get on with it!

  • Constructive Evaluation – Throw away the “perfection meter” and tell your “inner critic” to sit in the corner while you work on your peak performance. Instead become your own champion – coach yourself to look at “mistakes” as pointers on where to improve and listen for the whispers of your deep desires, they will guide you to your wants and needs.

Now look at the diagram below and see how our process to your peak performance will evolve!


To read more about Mental Toughness Training, click here.

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